It is said that a smile is a universal language. Smiling supposedly takes far fewer muscles than frowning (but no one seems to be able to prove this). Putting a smile on your face has even been proven to make you more attractive, approachable, and likable. As if this weren’t enough, here are 5 reasons you should make an effort to smile more.

5 Ways Smiling is Good for You
You really should make an effort to smile more! Check out some of these cool things that happen when you do!
1. Smiling Increases Longevity
There have been many studies done that show people who are genuinely happy most of the time tend to live longer lives. If you think about it, these are also generally friendly people who smile often.
The best thing about this is if you are smiling and happy, you aren’t just living longer you are living better because you are enjoying life.
2. Your Smile Effects Others
The number 2 reason to smile…You have likely heard it said that it doesn’t cost anything to give someone else a smile. The truth is, in most cases, you will get one right back!
When you smile at someone it puts them at ease. Smiling can even brighten a stranger’s day. You have the power to do something nice for the world while also putting your best foot forward simply by smiling throughout your day.

3. Smiling Makes You Healthier
There are lots of great health benefits that have been associated with smiling. This is mostly due to the “feel-good” chemicals (endorphins) that it signals for your brain to release into your system. Smiling can give a boost to your immune system which is the system in your body that helps protect you from colds, flu, and other illnesses. Smiling may even help to lower your blood pressure and help reduce how intensely you feel pain. Those are some definitely great reasons to smile!
4. Smiling Makes You Look Smart
Smiling makes a great impression on other people. It almost always gives them a better impression than just a blank or casual look would.
According to studies, not only do people perceive you as more attractive and successful, but they also perceive you as smarter when you are smiling. Another reason to smile is that smiling will also make you feel more confident which is appealing to other people.
5. Another reason to smile? Smiling Puts You in a Good Mood
Even if you just paint a fake smile on your face, it will improve your mood. It may sound crazy, but it is proven to be true, and another great reason to smile. This is one case where you can get away with “faking it” until you make it.
What’s really cool about this is that smiling can help keep you in a good mood. For people who smile often, there is the long-term effect of a more positive outlook on life.

Visit Your Local Dentist in Beverly Hills, CA
To keep your smile looking great it is important to have good dental hygiene and regular visits with your local dentist. If you are due for a check-up or are interested in improving your smile schedule an appointment with The Dental Group of Beverly Hills today! You’ll be ready in no time to try out the 5 reasons to smile!
at Dental Group of Beverly Hills, we offer the most comprehensive services to help you keep smiling from ear to ear. We not only offer dental cleanings and checkup services, but we proud ourselves on our cosmetic dentistry offerings that include, veneers, teeth whitening, tooth extraction, dental implants, invisalign and more! Not sure when you should see a dentist? Give us a call and we’ll help you get started!